Aug 19, 2009

Right to Food and Drought in India

The biggest drought/rain shortfall is looming over India since Independence. Current government estimates put the shortfall at 29% till now. If the moonsoons dont recover in these last days this number can get worse. Below is a compilation of articles on Right to food act in India and the drought situation.

It’s time for a New Deal for rural India - Himanshu

Drought of justice, flood of funds - P. Sainath

Drought management for rural livelihood security - M.S.Swaminathan

[Documenting the distress sale of cattle - a form of coping mechanism from droughts]
Till the cows no longer come home P. Sainath

When a week is a long time P. Sainath

Food for all - Jayati Ghosh (talks about making PDS and other food schemes universal rather than targeted)

The Food Economy: How will the government reach food to the target families? (Bhaskar Dutta, The Telegraph, 30 July 2009)

Sen on RTF

Drought of policymaking vision

Biraj Patnaik