Aug 20, 2007

Toy Recall Story

There have been two big toy recalls for toys made in China - both by Mattel (the company which sells them under its brand). And guess what who is to blame (as per the US media) - its the Chinese sub-contractor. Not Mattel which according to me would be the party responsible as its the one which is selling the thing under its brand - so bears responsibility of testing and manufacturing. But no one is blaming Mattel. It doesnt matter how much Mattel pushed the contractors on lower pricing, how lax it was on testing & standards, no questions asked on these aspects. The media is buying into what Mattel says which said "It provided the lead-free paint but subcontractor sold it and used other one" - so media repeats the same. Anything new?

Just change this case. If the same toys were sold but not in authorized store and royalties didnt go to Mattel but its name was used as Brand. Who would be to blame?. The Chinese sellers who copied Mattel's design and used its brand and sold it.

So Mattel earns most of the profit but no blame and enjoys. So welcome to the world of globalized manufacturing where the brand earns the money but no blame. What do u think?

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